The Yellow Rose of Texas テキサスの黄色いバラ

< 世界の民謡


The Yellow Rose of Texas(テキサスの黄色いバラ)はアメリカの民謡です。
この女性のモデルはエミリー・モルガン(Emily Morgan)という実在の女性だという説があります。


作詞者も作曲者も分かっていませんが、歌詞の修正とピアノ伴奏の追加をしたJ.K.という人物(Christy's Minstrelsというグループのメンバー、ジョン・ケリーだと言われている)が作者の可能性があります。


There's a yellow girl in Texas
That I'm going down to see
No other darkies know her
No darkey, only me
She cried so when I left her
That it like to broke my heart,
And if I only find her
We never more will part

She's the sweetest girl of color
That this darkey ever knew
Her eyes are bright as diamonds
And sparkle like the dew
You may talk about your Dearest Mae
And sing of Rosa Lee
But the yellow Rose of Texas
Beats the belles of Tennessee

Where the Rio Grande is flowing
And the starry skies are bright
Oh, she walks along the river
In the quiet summer night
And she thinks if I remember
When we parted long ago
I promised to come back again
And not to leave her so


Oh, I'm going now to find her
For my heart is full of woe
And we'll sing the songs together
That we sang so long ago
We'll play the banjo gaily
And we'll sing our sorrows o'er
And the yellow Rose of Texas
shall be mine forever more




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